This Tiny But Genius Lightbulb... Protects You From The #1 Threat In A Crisis

Next 27 People To Respond Will Get 1 For Free Today


As hard as it is to believe…

The #1 threat in a crisis isn’t the crazy doomsday scenario you probably think of when imagining a survival situation.


It’s not an EMP, it’s not zombies, and it’s not even starvation or disease.

Statistically the #1 thing that will threaten your safety is loss of light & power.

Research done by both FEMA and the CDC indicates power outages are one of the leading causes of accidental deaths in the nation.

Shockingly the U.S has 200% more power outages over the last 8 years and more outages than any other developed nation in the world.

It could happen any time, Armageddon or not.

Which is why you need a way to protect yourself from it.

And the Eternalight Solar Lightbulb will do just that in a way no other survival tool can.

Yes I Want A Free Backup Solar Light

The Military Uses The Solar Technology In This Lightbulb To Power Their Devices


One of the most reliable methods you can use to keep your lights on is with solar technology.

Solar is incredibly effective at keeping your devices on during an unexpected blackout or grid failure which happens to over 28 million people per year.

That’s why the U.S Military is adding solar panels to their equipment to help soldiers from unexpected power loss.

Our Emergency Lightbulb is made out of the same 100% Grade A solar panel material. 

This ensures this survival tool will collect energy from the sun while providing you and your family with reliable light. 

In fact, our lightbulb will automatically turn on during a power outage and supply you with at least 8+ hours of light thanks to it’s lithium ion internal battery.


Knowing this, it’s easy to understand that every single American who wants to stay protected from power outages should have at least one of these Emergency Light Bulbs with them at all times.

Here’s What Makes The Eternalight An Absolute Essential

Because blackouts and grid-failure is one of the nation’s leading causes of accidental death you MUST have an Emergency Solar Light Bulb.

Without it a survival kit is incomplete and you’re just begging for trouble.

Be aware, the Eternalight is anything but an ordinary lightbulb.

Here’s what makes it exceptional for keeping you safe from the #1 risk to Americans.

Automatic Backup Lighting: Unlike typical light bulbs, the EternaLight will automatically turn on whenever power is lost in the home. Its internal battery provides up to 8+ hours of continuous power.


This means no more fumbling around in the dark looking for candles (fire hazard) or flashlights (expensive batteries).

It uses solar power: meaning you will never need to worry about dead batteries ever again. You can simply put the light bulbs outside and let them charge up for blackouts lasting more than 24+ hours.

Multiple use functionality: Not only can this device be used to provide backup lighting, it can also be used as a flashlight, camping light, or even outdoor lighting.


Proven to work: There are dozens of testimonials of people who’ve effectively used Eternalight to stay safe from power outages and during outdoor activities.

And while we hope you never get to add to that list, owning one just in case is one of the smartest things any smart American can do.

Yes I Want A Free Backup Solar Light

- Internet Only Special Get Eternalight For Free


Now that you know how the Eternalight will save your life in a crisis, it’s time to show you how you can get it for Free.

The retail price of this Eternalight is normally $39.95.

But today you can get it for Free.

We’re doing this for 2 simple reasons.

The first is we want to make sure everyone has the tools they need to survive a crisis.

Currently we have an overstock of these and rather than let them sit in the warehouse, we’d like to give them away.

Two, we want to introduce you to Original Defense.

We exist to get HIGH-QUALITY gear into the hands of people all over the U.S. so they’re prepared for the worst life has to offer.

Today we’re giving away Free Eternalights to introduce Americans to us.

It’s that simple.

There’s no hidden auto-pay scheme here, no tricks. Just a Free Emergency Backup Lightbulb and the cost of shipping and handling to get it to your home.

Hurry And Claim Your Free Eternalight Now! - Supplies Are Limited

We’re happy to give away Free Eternalight today.

However, you can’t sit on the sidelines and wait to claim them.

The reason being is we have limited supplies of these lightbulbs!

Since these are overstock items, when we run out of these lightbulbs… this deal is done!

To get your Eternalight click the Big Green Button Below.

Hurry as of right now there are just 45 boxes of light bulbs left to give away!

Yes I Want A Free Backup Solar Light